Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bora Bora, Pago Pago, Sunburn Sunburn

Today was Pago Pago, US  Samoan islands on our continued trek around the Pacific islands. Oh what heaven are we having as far as weather goes. Gorgeous sunshine, scintillating atmospheres and amazing people…oh yeh…and today…McDonalds Island Style…Oh hold me down !!!
Seriously, Pago Pago may be small, but as an island formed by a sunken volcano and with a port which is one of the deepest in the world due to it, it is truly an amazing place to sail in and out of.
Tonight is one hour set back due to our ever continued travelling against the time line….soon we will enter a totally new dimension…We have a 5th October but then we enter the 7th October some where in the world we miss the 6th October as we jump the International Date Line.
I tried to work out how many times this has happened to me in the course of a 30 year travelling existence and I believe I have lost about 10 days in total…and not please do not try to explain that I get then back somewhere else…the fact is, the reason I look so devilishly youthful at the age of 42 is because I continue to travel and skip days.
Now if I could just be sailing in this region on the 26th March every year and jump instantly to the 28th March, I would have in effect jumped an entire birthday and hence skipped a full year, plummeting me back into my youth even further than I seem to be heading now.
You see those who joke that im going grey, do not realize that as a child I was a pure blonde haired cutie…Im not going grey, im aging backwards and about to enter my second youth…
I have finally found the fountain of eternal youth and it’s not a place but a system…of travelling in only one direction around our planet and not the other.
I’m off to settle down my Pago Pago, Sunburn Sunburn before my skin ages prematurely . Last thing this great hulking boyish body needs is a patch of sundried leather.
Good Night Good Night to all, to all from Pago Pago
Next stop Suva, Fiji …does life get any better folks !!!!
View from McDonalds, Pago Pago 2011

Mode of transport

A house of prayer for the lucky life we lead

1 comment:

  1. wow how cool is that- skipping of a date

    Have fun, my dear friend
