Monday, November 21, 2011


Heavy hearts, like heavy clouds in the sky, are best relieved by the letting of a little water.
Christopher Morley  (US author 1890-1957)

I love my life at 35,000 feet, I  now know why…it’s perhaps the closest I’ll ever get to the life of Jean luc Picard and James Tiberius Kirk et al.
Here in the stone cold silence of my home above the clouds I have lost the shackles that bind me, the ties that keep us emotionally bound…otherwise known as gravity.
Here in my space ship above the earth I am finally free…I’d live here forever if I could. I have never felt “at home” on earth and have travelled far and wide trying to find somewhere to settle down….perhaps the reason why is that instead of settling down…I should have always been looking to settle–up!
Up here!
Floating as we do in these amazing cigar tubes of the air,  gives life some perspective as we drift in and out and between clouds.
Pretty, gorgeous, and just out of reach…puffy..magnficent, intangible and unable to be tamed or grasped, turbulent , rocky, full of destruction, floating, calming cooling….
Sounds like many of our relationships yet I discuss only clouds….and I think we could all name someone in our lives that has many of these characteristics…a cloudy person !!…
And that’s a little why clouds scare me..
You see, I’ve finally found the second most amazing person on the planet…after me that is!
And she really does “complete me”…..she dot’s all my “I’s” and she crosses all of life’s “t’s”, she truly is my north, my south my east my west….my morning sun and my midday rest !! ( borrowed words!)
But just like a cloud…I’m not sure how to hold her down?
To catch her and to entrap her within the confines of a relationship,  will her perfection discipate as fast as the moist humid air that creates a cloud,  if captured.
So many of my friends have relationships like that, many have divorced because the magic has dissolved faster than a cloud in the morning sun.
A reason I have remained single for so very long.
Fear of cloud busting!!!
But what if this is my cloud…Do I catch it or do I let it go?
I guess just like the creation of clouds I see at 35,000 feet, only God knows the answer to all these questions !!
Wouldn’t it be nice if he shared this little bud of information with me, with all of us really !
Just this one time before my head which is currently stuck in the clouds, descends back down to earth.
Life up here seems so justified, so right, so much ability is possible , I have freedom and emotions which just are never there on the surface of the planet. Up here, I have so much possibility in life, so many dreams seem real and achievable. Relationships up here don’t scare me, for we would both be free, both have no worries……
I guess that’s why life is so perfect on the Battle Star Gallactica, deep into outer space, gone for decades or with simply no home to return to…you are free… there is no need for banks accounts, mortgages, cars or insurances. You live for the team and the survival of it all… If you don’t succeed then either you won’t be going home or their will be nothing to go home to…. A simplistic existence.
So anyway… our plane decends yet again, the clouds  once light and freeing, beautiful and resplendent have enshrouded us and toss us around to shake us up before the reality of life on earth begins again….
Again a relationship in the making…wondrous and romantic, before the shaking and enshrouding in fear and the final jolt back down to earth.
I’m off to email the second most amazing person on the planet and tell her how she makes me feel…she deserves to know before either of us decide to be a cloud ….and disappear !!
and May the God of your choice answer your prayers too.