Monday, August 22, 2011

Ain’t the world just grand people!!- A New Day Dawns

Ahhhhh!  the freeing feeling of having made a choice and having it finally come to pass.
“Hindsight is 20/20 vision” and I see that so clearly now. 
All these troubled days of the past few months had been for two reasons. 
A close and gorgeous female DJ friend had stated that…” in the desire to depart one adventure for another, our emotions become heightened and thus things we would normally enjoy become frictious during this time of simply desiring to move on.”
The second reason for my clarity is this. I have always stated that I am not “overly” religious, by any denomination, but merely I have a belief system that there is a higher power of some type. Among this revolutionary theorum of mine is the belief in ‘travel guides’; suffice to say that when we need to follow a particular coarse of direction uncertain to us, when we are in doubt or if we are ourselves going against what the greater powers of nature desire for us, some ‘One” is sent to enter our lives and “guide” us into  direction which makes the cosmos happy.
Stuck in the centre of my own imploding universe until yesterday I was unable to see all of this.
Today 35,000 feet in my “other home” after a long sleep and numerous libations of the 30 year aged single malt process, revelations hit me with the visionary clarity of hindsight.
The Angel had been sent to me, to ‘guide’ me during this time, to remain on a singular course of action.
The pain I went through with her, insignificant,  compared to the pain I would have felt due to other circumstance (I cant quite go into) had she not been sent my way. To put it in simpler terms; departure was never going to be easy after 6 years, the method and manner in which departure was treated by others was definitely going to hurt , especially me, hence to soften its blow, I was kept distracted by the Angel. 
Her pain to me, the lesser of two evils.
See; simple!!
Today the sun shines brightly above the clouds which are speeding effortlessly by the double layer of plexyglass coverings which separate me from them. 
For the first time in a long time I am writing free in mind and the words are back floating before me, just waiting to be plucked from the air and entered into the keypad of my life’s story.
As a person, I am not whole yet, she made certain that I probably never will be for a very long time, if ever. A heart shattered into so many pieces just may never be able to be mended. 
I suffer now from what you might call, “Humpty Dumpty Syndrome”, no-one can ever put me back together again , after her.
Perhaps that too was the desired plan by the cosmic hierarchy.
But for now, James Claire the writer, theologian and humorist awoke from my malt induced slumber some where over the Indian Ocean and the world felt real once again.
The first time in many months.
Perhaps it’s the altitude, perhaps it’s the freedom of travel, perhaps I am simply back on track on life’s predetermined itinerary(or perhaps I just in desperate need of another one of those malted beverages).
My ‘travel guides’ job done, she has moved on to her next assignment and back to her homeland of Singapore. 
I wish the Angel well, I hope our paths cross again some time for despite her harsh treatment of me, she is special and I believe perhaps next time stronger in mind and not distracted with so many other things in my life, I might actually be able to teach her some things. Patience, understanding, respect for others, absolute love, compassion and humility would be a few she needs.
Time will tell if I am her “guide” or another gets the job.
For me, well time will tell many things too, I have sanity and an open mind and most importantly I have my fingers which seem happy to tap t the keyboard and continue expressing my life's story.

And to tell you the truth, for the first time in a long time , I feel once again that I have the world at my feet , well, 35,000 of them, but we’re soon heading into to land,  so it won’t be long.
New day, new dreams and a semblance of happiness.
Ain’t the world just grand people!!

1 comment:

  1. " Stuck in the centre of my own imploding universe until yesterday I was unable to see all of this." - wow. what a line!
